Friday, May 28, 2021

Friday May 28th


Spelling Unit 35 is due on Friday.  We will also take our Unit 35 test on Friday as well.

Phonics:  Workbook p. 158-161 are due Friday.

Upcoming Events:

~We will have no school on Monday May 31st in observance of Memorial Day.

~If you could keep a look out for Kameron G's maroon STS gym sweatshirt, it would be greatly appreciated!

God Bless,
Mrs. Rowland

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Thursday May 27th


Math:  Workbook p. 117.

Spelling Unit 34 test will be taken tomorrow.

Phonics:  Workbook p. 154-157 are due tomorrow.

Religion:  We played Chapter 11 Kahoot today in class.  We will take our Chapter 11 test tomorrow.

Upcoming Events:

~Kona Shave Ice forms were sent home in Homework Folders.  If you would like your child to have a special treat on June 8th, please fill the slip out and send it in to school by Friday May 28th.

~Friday May 28th is a half day of school.  We will have no school on Monday May 31st in observance of Memorial Day.

~If you could keep a look out for Kameron G's maroon STS gym sweatshirt, it would be greatly appreciated!

God Bless,
Mrs. Rowland

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Wednesday May 26th


Math:  Workbook p. 116 all.

Spelling Unit 34 work is due tomorrow.  Unit 34 test will be taken on Friday.

Phonics:  Workbook p. 154-157 are due on Friday.

Language Arts:  Finish the definitions for Chapter 1-6 that we started today in class.  These definitions are due by tomorrow.

Religion:  We completed our Chapter 11 study guides today.  We will take our Chapter 11 test on Friday.

Social Studies:  Study your study guides for Chapter 6.  We will take our Chapter 6 test tomorrow, Thursday May 27th.

Upcoming Events:

~Kona Shave Ice forms were sent home in Homework Folders today.  If you would like your child to have a special treat on June 8th, please fill the slip out and send it in to school by Friday May 28th.

~Friday May 28th is a half day of school.  We will have no school on Monday May 31st in observance of Memorial Day.

~During the entire month of May we will be praying the rosary in the morning.  If you would like to bring in your own rosary to pray, please have it in a small bag that is easy to retrieve in the mornings.

~If you could keep a look out for Kameron G's maroon STS gym sweatshirt, it would be greatly appreciated!

God Bless,
Mrs. Rowland

Monday, May 24, 2021

Monday May 24th


Math:  Workbook p. 114 all.

Spelling Unit 34 work is due on Thursday.  Unit 34 test will be taken on Friday.

Phonics:  Workbook p. 154-157 are due on Friday.

Social Studies:  We completed our study guides for Chapter 6 today.  We will take our Chapter 6 test on Thursday May 27th.

Upcoming Events:

~Friday May 28th is a half day of school.  We will have no school on Monday May 31st in observance of Memorial Day.

~During the entire month of May we will be praying the rosary in the morning.  If you would like to bring in your own rosary to pray, please have it in a small bag that is easy to retrieve in the mornings.

~If you could keep a look out for Kameron G's maroon STS gym sweatshirt, it would be greatly appreciated!

God Bless,
Mrs. Rowland

Friday, May 21, 2021

Friday May 20th


**We will be reading the book "Number the Stars" for the last few weeks of school.  Please purchase this book for your child to read with the class, you can find it at the following link: **


Spelling Unit 34 work is due on Thursday.  Unit 34 test will be taken on Friday.

Phonics:  Workbook p. 154-157 are due on Friday.

Upcoming Events:

~Friday May 28th is a half day of school.  We will have no school on Monday May 31st in observance of Memorial Day.

~During the entire month of May we will be praying the rosary in the morning.  If you would like to bring in your own rosary to pray, please have it in a small bag that is easy to retrieve in the mornings.

~If you could keep a look out for Kameron G's maroon STS gym sweatshirt, it would be greatly appreciated!

God Bless,
Mrs. Rowland

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Thursday May 20th


**We will be reading the book "Number the Stars" for the last few weeks of school.  Please purchase this book for your child to read with the class, you can find it at the following link: **


Spelling Unit 33 test will be taken on tomorrow.

Phonics:  Workbook p. 150-153 are due tomorrow.

Language Arts:  We will take our quiz on the selection "Coyote School News" tomorrow.

Social Studies:  The Chapter 6 Social Studies book review is due by tomorrow, Friday 5/21.

Upcoming Events:

~Remember your pizza money for tomorrow.

~During the entire month of May we will be praying the rosary in the morning.  If you would like to bring in your own rosary to pray, please have it in a small bag that is easy to retrieve in the mornings.

~If you could keep a look out for Kameron G's maroon STS gym sweatshirt, it would be greatly appreciated!

God Bless,
Mrs. Rowland

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Wednesday May 19th


~We will be taking the NWEA standardized test again tomorrow.  Please make sure you charge your Chromebooks fully tonight.  Get a good nights rest and eat a healthy breakfast.  I will not be assigning any homework these two nights.  But if classwork is not finished, it will be assigned as homework.~ 

**We will be reading the book "Number the Stars" for the last few weeks of school.  Please purchase this book for your child to read with the class, you can find it at the following link: **


Spelling Unit 33 work is due tomorrow.  Unit 33 test will be taken on Friday.

Phonics:  Workbook p. 150-153 are due on Friday.

Social Studies:  The Chapter 6 Social Studies book review is due Friday 5/21.

Upcoming Events:

~Remember your pizza money for Friday.

~During the entire month of May we will be praying the rosary in the morning.  If you would like to bring in your own rosary to pray, please have it in a small bag that is easy to retrieve in the mornings.

~If you could keep a look out for Kameron G's maroon STS gym sweatshirt, it would be greatly appreciated!

God Bless,
Mrs. Rowland

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Tuesday May 18th

 ~We will be taking the NWEA standardized test tomorrow and Thursday.  Please make sure you charge your Chromebooks fully each night.  Get a good nights rest and eat a healthy breakfast.  I will not be assigning any homework these two nights.  But if classwork is not finished, it will be assigned as homework.~ 

**We will be reading the book "Number the Stars" for the last few weeks of school.  Please purchase this book for your child to read with the class, you can find it at the following link: **


Math:  Workbook p. 113 evens.  Show your work on the separate piece of paper.

Spelling Unit 33 work is due on Thursday.  Unit 33 test will be taken on Friday.

Phonics:  Workbook p. 150-153 are due on Friday.

English:  We took our Adjective test today.

Upcoming Events:

~Remember your pizza money for Friday.

~During the entire month of May we will be praying the rosary in the morning.  If you would like to bring in your own rosary to pray, please have it in a small bag that is easy to retrieve in the mornings.

~If you could keep a look out for Kameron G's maroon STS gym sweatshirt, it would be greatly appreciated!

God Bless,
Mrs. Rowland

Monday, May 17, 2021

Monday May 17th

~We will be taking the NWEA standardized test on Wednesday and Thursday.  Please make sure you charge your Chromebooks fully each night.  Get a good nights rest and eat a healthy breakfast.~ 

**We will be reading the book "Number the Stars" for the last few weeks of school.  Please purchase this book for your child to read with the class, you can find it at the following link: **


Math:  Workbook p. 113 odds.  Show your work on the separate piece of paper.

Spelling Unit 33 work is due on Thursday.  Unit 33 test will be taken on Friday.

Phonics:  Workbook p. 150-153 are due on Friday.

English:  We have come to the end of our Adjective chapter.  We will take our test on Adjectives tomorrow,  Tuesday 5/18.  Complete the Pretest to review for your test.

Upcoming Events:

~Remember your pizza money for Friday.

~During the entire month of May we will be praying the rosary in the morning.  If you would like to bring in your own rosary to pray, please have it in a small bag that is easy to retrieve in the mornings.

~If you could keep a look out for Kameron G's maroon STS gym sweatshirt, it would be greatly appreciated!

God Bless,
Mrs. Rowland

Friday, May 14, 2021

Friday May 14th


**We will be reading the book "Number the Stars" for the last few weeks of school.  Please purchase this book for your child to read with the class, you can find it at the following link: **

~If you could keep a look out for Kameron G's maroon STS gym sweatshirt, it would be greatly appreciated!~


Spelling Unit 33 work is due on Thursday.  Unit 33 test will be taken on Friday.

Phonics:  Workbook p. 150-153 are due on Friday.

English:  We have come to the end of our Adjective chapter.  We will take our test on Adjectives on Tuesday 5/18.

Upcoming Events:

~Remember your pizza money for Friday.

~During the entire month of May we will be praying the rosary in the morning.  If you would like to bring in your own rosary to pray, please have it in a small bag that is easy to retrieve in the mornings.

God Bless,
Mrs. Rowland

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Thursday May 13th

**We will be reading the book "Number the Stars" for the last few weeks of school.  Please purchase this book for your child to read with the class, you can find it at the following link: **


Math:  Workbook p. 112

Spelling Unit 32 test is tomorrow.

Phonics:  Workbook p. 146-149 are due tomorrow.

English:  We have come to the end of our Adjective chapter.  We will take our test on Adjectives on Tuesday 5/18.

Language Arts:  Journal Writes are due tomorrow.

~*Tomorrow is our May tag day.  This tag day is a class theme day.  We chose M&M's.  Here is a list of students and what color shirts they need to wear on Friday to follow our theme.
Red:  Melodie, Max, Michael, Sophia
Yellow:  Cayden, Kameron G, Miguel, Kimbell
Green:  Sarah, Cameron O., Camilla, Logan
Blue:  Andrew, Brighid, Lucy
Orange:  Alex, Liam, Chase
Brown:  Lena, Lily, Mackenzie

Don't forget to bring in your dollar to dress down tomorrow!

Upcoming Events:

~Remember your pizza money for tomorrow.

~During the entire month of May we will be praying the rosary in the morning.  If you would like to bring in your own rosary to pray, please have it in a small bag that is easy to retrieve in the mornings.

~Scholastic orders are due by tomorrow, Friday May 14th.  Our class code is JDD2N.  This will be the last Scholastic order for the year.  This is a good opportunity to purchase any books you would like to read over the summer or for summer reading.

God Bless,
Mrs. Rowland

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Wednesday May 12th


Math:  Complete #11-20 on the Check Your Progress worksheet.

Spelling Unit 32 work is due tomorrow.  Unit 32 test on Friday.

Phonics:  Workbook p. 146-149 are due Friday.

English:  15 minutes of IXL at these links: 
We have come to the end of our Adjective chapter.  We will take our test on Adjectives on Tuesday 5/18.

Language Arts:  Journal Writes are due on Friday.

~*Friday is our May tag day.  This tag day is a class theme day.  We chose M&M's.  Here is a list of students and what color shirts they need to wear on Friday to follow our theme.
Red:  Melodie, Max, Michael, Sophia
Yellow:  Cayden, Kameron G, Miguel, Kimbell
Green:  Sarah, Cameron O., Camilla, Logan
Blue:  Andrew, Brighid, Lucy
Orange:  Alex, Liam, Chase
Brown:  Lena, Lily, Mackenzie

Don't forget to bring in your dollar to dress down on the 14th!

Upcoming Events:

~Remember your pizza money for Friday.

~During the entire month of May we will be praying the rosary in the morning.  If you would like to bring in your own rosary to pray, please have it in a small bag that is easy to retrieve in the mornings.

~Scholastic orders are due on Friday May 14th.  Our class code is JDD2N.  This will be the last Scholastic order for the year.  This is a good opportunity to purchase any books you would like to read over the summer or for summer reading.

God Bless,
Mrs. Rowland

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Tuesday May 11th


Math:  Workbook p. 111.

Spelling Unit 32 work is due on Thursday.  Unit 32 test on Friday.

Phonics:  Workbook p. 146-149 are due Friday.

English:  Workbook p. 151

Language Arts:  Journal Write are due on Friday.

~*Friday is another tag day.  This tag day is a class theme day.  We chose M&M's.  Here is a list of students and what color shirts they need to wear on Friday to follow our theme.
Red:  Melodie, Max, Michael, Sophia
Yellow:  Cayden, Kameron G, Miguel, Kimbell
Green:  Sarah, Cameron O., Camilla, Logan
Blue:  Andrew, Brighid, Lucy
Orange:  Alex, Liam, Chase
Brown:  Lena, Lily, Mackenzie

Upcoming Events:

~Remember your pizza money for Friday.

~During the entire month of May we will be praying the rosary in the morning.  If you would like to bring in your own rosary to pray, please have it in a small bag that is easy to retrieve in the mornings.

~Scholastic orders are due on Friday May 14th.  Our class code is JDD2N.  This will be the last Scholastic order for the year.  This is a good opportunity to purchase any books you would like to read over the summer or for summer reading.

God Bless,
Mrs. Rowland

Monday, May 10, 2021

Monday May 10th


Math:  Workbook p. 110.

Spelling Unit 32 work is due on Thursday.  Unit 32 test on Friday.

Phonics:  Workbook p. 146-149 are due Friday.

Language Arts:  Coyote School News definitions are due tomorrow (Google Classroom).  Complete p. 64 #1-10 in your packets

Journal Write are due on Friday.

~*Friday is another tag day.  This tag day is a class theme day.  We chose M&M's.  Here is a list of students and what color shirts they need to wear on Friday to follow our theme.
Red:  Melodie, Max, Michael, Sophia
Yellow:  Cayden, Kameron G, Miguel, Kimbell
Green:  Sarah, Cameron O., Camilla, Logan
Blue:  Andrew, Brighid, Lucy
Orange:  Alex, Liam, Chase
Brown:  Lena, Lily, Mackenzie

Upcoming Events:

~Remember your pizza money for Friday.

~During the entire month of May we will be praying the rosary in the morning.  If you would like to bring in your own rosary to pray, please have it in a small bag that is easy to retrieve in the mornings.

~Scholastic orders are due on Friday May 14th.  Our class code is JDD2N.  This will be the last Scholastic order for the year.  This is a good opportunity to purchase any books you would like to read over the summer or for summer reading.

God Bless,
Mrs. Rowland

Friday, May 7, 2021

Friday May 7th

~*From the bottom of my heart, thank you so much for everything this week.  I am so blessed to be a teacher and have the ability to educate your children.  They are a true blessing from God.*~


Spelling Unit 32 work is due on Thursday.  Unit 32 test on Friday.

Phonics:  Workbook p. 146-149 are due Friday.

~*Paper Bag book reports are due on Monday May 10th.  Be prepared to display and present your reports to the class*~

Upcoming Events:

~Remember your pizza money for Friday.

~During the entire month of May we will be praying the rosary in the morning.  If you would like to bring in your own rosary to pray, please have it in a small bag that is easy to retrieve in the mornings.

~Scholastic orders are due on Friday May 14th.  Our class code is JDD2N.  This will be the last Scholastic order for the year.  This is a good opportunity to purchase any books you would like to read over the summer or for summer reading.

God Bless,
Mrs. Rowland

Thursday, May 6, 2021

Thursday May 6th

~*Happy Nurse Appreciation Day!!*~


 ~*I will be teaching my Virtus:Safe Touch lesson on Friday, May 7th.  If you wish to have your child opt out of this lesson, please print the form out on the Friday Folder from the STS website.  Please return these by 5/7*~


Math:  Workbook p. 109 even. 

Spelling Unit 31 test will be taken tomorrow.

Phonics:  Workbook p. 140, 143-145 are due tomorrow.

English:  Workbook p. 150.

Language Arts:  We will take our quiz on the selection "Marven of the Great North Woods" tomorrow, study your study guides.  Complete p. 86 in your packets.

Science:  Please bring in an empty 2 liter bottle of some kind.  Make sure to label your initials at the top and the bottom of the bottle.  These are due by tomorrow, Friday, May 7th.

~*Paper Bag book reports are due on Monday May 10th.  Be prepared to display and present your reports to the class*~

Upcoming Events:

~Remember your pizza money for tomorrow.

~During the entire month of May we will be praying the rosary in the morning.  If you would like to bring in your own rosary to pray, please have it in a small bag that is easy to retrieve in the mornings.

~Scholastic orders are due on Friday May 14th.  Our class code is JDD2N.  This will be the last Scholastic order for the year.  This is a good opportunity to purchase any books you would like to read over the summer or for summer reading.

God Bless,
Mrs. Rowland

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Wednesday May 5th

~*I will be teaching my Virtus:Safe Touch lesson on Friday, May 7th.  If you wish to have your child opt out of this lesson, please print the form out on the Friday Folder from the STS website.  Please return these by 5/7*~


Math:  Workbook p. 109 odd. 

Spelling:  Unit 31 work is due tomorrow.  Unit 31 test will be taken on Friday.

Phonics:  Workbook p. 140, 143-145 are due on Friday.

English:  Workbook p. 66.

Language Arts:  We will take our quiz on the selection "Marven of the Great North Woods" Friday, study your study guides.  

Religion:  We took our Chapter 10 test today.

Science:  Please bring in an empty 2 liter bottle of some kind.  Make sure to label your initials at the top and the bottom of the bottle.  These are due by Friday, May 7th.

~*Paper Bag book reports are due on Monday May 10th.  Be prepared to display and present your reports to the class*~

Upcoming Events:

~Remember your pizza money for Friday.

~During the entire month of May we will be praying the rosary in the morning.  If you would like to bring in your own rosary to pray, please have it in a small bag that is easy to retrieve in the mornings.

~Scholastic orders are due on Friday May 14th.  Our class code is JDD2N.  This will be the last Scholastic order for the year.  This is a good opportunity to purchase any books you would like to read over the summer or for summer reading.

God Bless,
Mrs. Rowland

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Tuesday May 4th


Math:  Workbook p. 108.  I also handed back our Chapter 8 Math tests.  Each and every student was given their test.  Please look over this test with your child and then return it back to me by tomorrow.

Spelling:  Unit 31 work is due on Thursday.  Unit 31 test will be taken on Friday.

Phonics:  Workbook p. 140, 143-145 are due on Friday.

English:  Workbook p. 65.

Language Arts:  We completed our study guides for "Marven of the Great North Woods" today.  We will take our quiz on the selection on Friday.

Religion:  We played Chapter 10 Kahoot today in class.  We will take our Chapter 10 test tomorrow.

Science:  Please bring in an empty 2 liter bottle of some kind.  Make sure to label your initials at the top and the bottom of the bottle.  These are due by Friday, May 7th.

~*Paper Bag book reports are due on Monday May 10th.  Be prepared to display and present your reports to the class*~

Upcoming Events:

~Remember your pizza money for Friday.

~During the entire month of May we will be praying the rosary in the morning.  If you would like to bring in your own rosary to pray, please have it in a small bag that is easy to retrieve in the mornings.

~Scholastic orders are due on Friday May 14th.  Our class code is JDD2N.  This will be the last Scholastic order for the year.  This is a good opportunity to purchase any books you would like to read over the summer or for summer reading.

God Bless,
Mrs. Rowland

Monday, May 3, 2021

Monday May 3rd


Math:  Workbook p. 107.

Spelling:  Unit 31 work is due on Thursday.  Unit 31 test will be taken on Friday.

Phonics:  Workbook p. 140, 143-145 are due on Friday.

Religion:  We completed our study guides on Chapter 10 today in class.  We will take our Chapter 10 test on Wednesday.

Science:  Please bring in an empty 2 liter bottle of some kind.  Make sure to label your initials at the top and the bottom of the bottle.  These are due by Friday, May 7th.

~*Paper Bag book reports are due on Monday May 10th.  Be prepared to display and present your reports to the class*~

Upcoming Events:

~Remember your pizza money for Friday.

~During the entire month of May we will be praying the rosary in the morning.  If you would like to bring in your own rosary to pray, please have it in a small bag that is easy to retrieve in the mornings.

~Scholastic orders are due on Friday May 14th.  Our class code is JDD2N.  This will be the last Scholastic order for the year.  This is a good opportunity to purchase any books you would like to read over the summer or for summer reading.

God Bless,
Mrs. Rowland

Friday December 20th

Dear 4th Grade Parents and Students, I would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!  I hope you have a relaxing, ...