Friday, September 29, 2023

Friday September 29th

Dear Parents and Students,


Phonics:  Complete pages 24-26 due Thursday 10/5.

Upcoming Events:

~There will be no school on Friday 10/6 and Monday 10/9 in observance of Columbus Day.  Teachers will be attending a professional development mass and workshop on 10/6.

~The St. Therese Walk-A-Thon will be on Wednesday October 4th.  It will start promptly at 9:00 near the STS flag pole.  

~School store will be open every Tuesday at lunch time.

~Pizza money is due by Thursday every week.  Please make sure to send it in as soon as possible.

If you have any questions for me, please feel free to reach out to the following:

Email -

Phone - 973-584-0812 x 114

Remind App - Class code is @9dk8kbk

God Bless,

Mrs Rowland 

Thursday, September 28, 2023

Thursday September 28th

~*We are going to meet with our buddy class for the first time tomorrow, Friday 9/29.  We will be having our snack with them, showing them something that is special to us, and reading them a book.  Please bring in a blanket or towel to sit on with your book and item inside a large tote bag.  You must have this by tomorrow, Friday 9/29.*~

Dear Parents and Students,


Math: Complete the making change worksheet (both front and back).

Vocabulary:  Synonyms and Antonyms worksheet.  We will take our Unit 2 Vocabulary quiz on Friday 9/28.  You can go to our Google Classroom and practice your words with flash cards or a learning game.

Phonics:  Complete pages 19, 21-23 by tomorrow, Friday 9/29.

English:  Complete p. 132.

Religion: We completed Chapter 1 study guides in class.  Everyone reviewed and has the correct answers in their guide.  Please study these.  We will take our Chapter 1 test on Friday 9/29.

Upcoming Events:

~Our September tag day is to "Go Gold".  Send in your donations for pediatric and childhood cancer and dress down in yellow or gold to support this worthy cause.  You may also send in $10 to pay for all tag days for the year.

~School store will be open every Tuesday at lunch time.

~Pizza money is due by Thursday every week.  Please make sure to send it in as soon as possible.

~There will be a special mass on Saturday September 30th with the Bishop of our Diocese.  Please try to attend and wear your uniform.  There is a dinner hosted by Mr. Dunnigan and the HSA following the special mass.

If you have any questions for me, please feel free to reach out to the following:

Email -

Phone - 973-584-0812 x 114

Remind App - Class code is @9dk8kbk

God Bless,

Mrs Rowland 

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Wednesday September 27th

~*We are going to meet with our buddy class for the first time on Friday 9/29.  We will be having our snack with them, showing them something that is special to us, and reading them a book.  Please bring in a blanket or towel to sit on with your book and item inside a large tote bag.  You must have this by Friday 9/29.*~

Dear Parents and Students,


Math: Complete the p. 8 #2, 4, and 6.  Please write out on your separate sheet of paper the counting up to make change process.

Vocabulary:  Complete p. 24 and 25.  We will take our Unit 2 Vocabulary quiz on Friday 9/28.

Phonics:  Complete pages 19, 21-23 by Friday 9/28.

English:  Complete p. 9.

Religion: We completed Chapter 1 study guides in class yesterday.  Everyone reviewed and has the correct answers in their guide.  Please study these.  We will play Chapter 1 Kahoot tomorrow and take our Chapter 1 test on Friday 9/29.

Upcoming Events:

~Our September tag day is to "Go Gold".  Send in your donations for pediatric and childhood cancer and dress down in yellow or gold to support this worthy cause.  You may also send in $10 to pay for all tag days for the year.

~School store will be open every Tuesday at lunch time.

~Pizza money is due by Thursday every week.  Please make sure to send it in as soon as possible.

~There will be a special mass on Saturday September 30th with the Bishop of our Diocese.  Please try to attend and wear your uniform.  There is a dinner hosted by Mr. Dunnigan and the HSA following the special mass.

If you have any questions for me, please feel free to reach out to the following:

Email -

Phone - 973-584-0812 x 114

Remind App - Class code is @9dk8kbk

God Bless,

Mrs Rowland 

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Tuesday September 26th


Dear Parents and Students,


Math: Complete the Place Value worksheet, front and back.

Vocabulary:  Complete p. 22 and 23.  We will take our Unit 2 Vocabulary quiz on Friday 9/28.

Phonics:  Complete pages 19, 21-23 by Friday 9/28.

English:  Complete p. 8.

Language Arts: *Winn Dixie quizzes were sent home tonight in homework folders.  Student's were given the ability to use their study guides and textbooks to take this quiz.  Please look these over with your child, sign, and return them by tomorrow.*

Upcoming Events:

~Our September tag day is to "Go Gold".  Send in your donations for pediatric and childhood cancer and dress down in yellow or gold to support this worthy cause.  You may also send in $10 to pay for all tag days for the year.

~School store will be open every Tuesday at lunch time.

~Pizza money is due by Thursday every week.  Please make sure to send it in as soon as possible.

~There will be a special mass on Saturday September 30th with the Bishop of our Diocese.  Please try to attend and wear your uniform.  There is a dinner hosted by Mr. Dunnigan and the HSA following the special mass.

If you have any questions for me, please feel free to reach out to the following:

Email -

Phone - 973-584-0812 x 114

Remind App - Class code is @9dk8kbk

God Bless,

Mrs Rowland 

Monday, September 25, 2023

Monday September 25th

Dear Parents and Students,


Math: Complete p. 9.

Vocabulary:  Complete p. 20 and 21.  We will take our Unit 2 Vocabulary quiz on Friday 9/28.

Phonics:  Complete pages 19, 21-23 by Friday 9/28.

Language Arts:  Finish the definitions we started in class.  Also, p. 14 #1-10.

*Winn Dixie quizzes were sent home tonight in homework folders.  Student's were given the ability to use their study guides and textbooks to take this quiz.  Please look these over with your child, sign, and return them by tomorrow.*

Upcoming Events:

~Our September tag day is to "Go Gold".  Send in your donations for pediatric and childhood cancer and dress down in yellow or gold to support this worthy cause.

~School store will be open every Tuesday at lunch time.

~Pizza money is due by Thursday every week.  Please make sure to send it in as soon as possible.

~There will be a special mass on Saturday September 30th with the Bishop of our Diocese.  Please try to attend and wear your uniform.  There is a dinner hosted by Mr. Dunnigan and the HSA following the special mass.

If you have any questions for me, please feel free to reach out to the following:

Email -

Phone - 973-584-0812 x 114

Remind App - Class code is @9dk8kbk

God Bless,

Mrs Rowland 

Friday, September 22, 2023

Friday September 22nd

Dear Parents and Students,


Vocabulary:  We will complete Unit 2 next week and take our vocab quiz on Friday 9/29.

Phonics:  Complete pages 19, 21-23 by Friday 9/28.

Upcoming Events:

~Our September tag day is to "Go Gold".  Send in your donations for pediatric and childhood cancer and dress down in yellow or gold to support this worthy cause.

~School store will be open every Tuesday at lunch time.

~Pizza money is due by Thursday every week.  Please make sure to send it in as soon as possible.

~There will be a special mass on Saturday September 30th with the Bishop of our Diocese.  Please try to attend and wear your uniform.  There is a dinner hosted by Mr. Dunnigan and the HSA following the special mass.

If you have any questions for me, please feel free to reach out to the following:

Email -

Phone - 973-584-0812 x 114

Remind App - Class code is @9dk8kbk

God Bless,

Mrs Rowland 

Thursday, September 21, 2023

Thursday September 21st

Dear Parents and Students,


Math: Complete p. 7 all.

Vocabulary:  Complete the Word Associations worksheet.  We will take a quiz on Unit 1 vocabulary tomorrow, Friday 9/22.  I put flash cards and a vocabulary word learning game on Google Classroom.  You can use these to study for your quiz tomorrow.

Phonics:  Complete pages 15-18 by tomorrow, Friday 9/22.

English:  Workbook p. 7.

Language Arts: We completed our study guide on the selection "Because of Winn Dixie" in class today.  Please bring this back to class every day this week.  

Upcoming Events:

~Band Trial forms were sent home in homework folders.  If your child would like to try out an instrument before they sign up for band, please fill the back of the pamphlet out and return it to me before Friday 9/22.  (More information is on the Google Classroom).

~School store will be open every Tuesday at lunch time.

~Pizza money is due by Thursday every week.  Please make sure to send it in as soon as possible.

~There will be a special mass on Saturday September 30th with the Bishop of our Diocese.  Please try to attend and wear your uniform.  There is a dinner hosted by Mr. Dunnigan and the HSA following the special mass.

If you have any questions for me, please feel free to reach out to the following:

Email -

Phone - 973-584-0812 x 114

Remind App - Class code is @9dk8kbk

God Bless,

Mrs Rowland 

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Wednesday September 20th

Dear Parents and Students,


Math: Complete p. 6 odds.

Vocabulary:  Complete p. 14-15 in your Vocabulary workbooks.  We will take a quiz on Unit 1 vocabulary on Friday 9/22.

Phonics:  Complete pages 15-18 by tomorrow, Friday 9/22.

Language Arts: Complete workbook p. 5.

We completed our study guide on the selection "Because of Winn Dixie" in class today.  Please bring this back to class every day this week.  

Upcoming Events:

~Band Trial forms were sent home in homework folders.  If your child would like to try out an instrument before they sign up for band, please fill the back of the pamphlet out and return it to me before Friday 9/22.  (More information is on the Google Classroom).

~School store will be open every Tuesday at lunch time.

~Pizza money is due by Thursday every week.  Please make sure to send it in as soon as possible.

~There will be a special mass on Saturday September 30th with the Bishop of our Diocese.  Please try to attend and wear your uniform.  There is a dinner hosted by Mr. Dunnigan and the HSA following the special mass.

If you have any questions for me, please feel free to reach out to the following:

Email -

Phone - 973-584-0812 x 114

Remind App - Class code is @9dk8kbk

God Bless,

Mrs Rowland 

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Tuesday September 19th


~* Please make sure your Chromebooks are fully charged for school tomorrow.  We will be taking our second Fall NWEA exam tomorrow morning*~

Dear Parents and Students,


Vocabulary:  Complete p. 12-13 in your Vocabulary workbooks.  We will take a quiz on Unit 1 vocabulary on Friday 9/22.

Phonics:  Complete pages 15-18 by tomorrow, Friday 9/22.

Language Arts: We listened to our selection "Because of Winn Dixie" in class today.

Upcoming Events:

~Band Trial forms were sent home in homework folders.  If your child would like to try out an instrument before they sign up for band, please fill the back of the pamphlet out and return it to me before Friday 9/22.  (More information is on the Google Classroom).

~School store will be open every Tuesday at lunch time.

~Pizza money is due by Thursday every week.  Please make sure to send it in as soon as possible.

~There will be a special mass on Saturday September 30th with the Bishop of our Diocese.  Please try to attend and wear your uniform.  There is a dinner hosted by Mr. Dunnigan and the HSA following the special mass.

If you have any questions for me, please feel free to reach out to the following:

Email -

Phone - 973-584-0812 x 114

Remind App - Class code is @9dk8kbk

God Bless,

Mrs Rowland 

Monday, September 18, 2023

Monday September 18th

~* Please make sure your Chromebooks are fully charged for school tomorrow.  We will be starting our Fall NWEA exams tomorrow morning*~

Dear Parents and Students,


Math: Complete p. 4 #13-20.

Vocabulary:  Complete p. 10-11 in your Vocabulary workbooks.

Phonics:  Complete pages 11-14 by tomorrow, Friday 9/15.

Language Arts: Complete p. 8 in your workbooks.

Upcoming Events:

~Band Trial forms were sent home in homework folders.  If your child would like to try out an instrument before they sign up for band, please fill the back of the pamphlet out and return it to me before Friday 9/22.  (More information is on the Google Classroom).

~School store will be open every Tuesday at lunch time.

~Pizza money is due by Thursday every week.  Please make sure to send it in as soon as possible.

~There will be a special mass on Saturday September 30th with the Bishop of our Diocese.  Please try to attend and wear your uniform.  There is a dinner hosted by Mr. Dunnigan and the HSA following the special mass.

If you have any questions for me, please feel free to reach out to the following:

Email -

Phone - 973-584-0812 x 114

Remind App - Class code is @9dk8kbk

God Bless,

Mrs Rowland 

Friday, September 15, 2023

Friday September 15th

~* Great job on our first full week of school!  Please make sure you are checking the blog every single night to see what is due the next day.*~

Dear Parents and Students,


Phonics:  Complete pages 11-14 by tomorrow, Friday 9/15.

Upcoming Events:

~Band Trial forms were sent home in homework folders.  If your child would like to try out an instrument before they sign up for band, please fill the back of the pamphlet out and return it to me before Friday 9/22.  (More information is on the Google Classroom).

~School store will be open every Tuesday at lunch time.

~Pizza money is due by Thursday every week.  Please make sure to send it in as soon as possible.

~There will be a special mass on Saturday September 30th with the Bishop of our Diocese.  Please try to attend and wear your uniform.  There is a dinner hosted by Mr. Dunnigan and the HSA following the special mass.

If you have any questions for me, please feel free to reach out to the following:

Email -

Phone - 973-584-0812 x 114

Remind App - Class code is @9dk8kbk

God Bless,

Mrs Rowland 

Thursday, September 14, 2023

Thursday September 14th

Dear Parents and Students,


Math:  Complete p. 4 #1-12.  Write the standard form number out on your place value chart.  All answers must be written in your workbooks.

Spelling:  Complete a choice board activity in your notebooks.  We will take our Unit 1 test tomorrow, Friday 9/15. (Your words can be found in your notebooks or on the Google Classroom.)

Phonics:  Complete pages 11-14 by tomorrow, Friday 9/15.

English:  Complete worksheet p. 6.

Upcoming Events:

~School store will be open every Tuesday at lunch time.

~Pizza money is due by Thursday every week.  Please make sure to send it in as soon as possible.

~Picture Day will be tomorrow, Friday September 15th.  The picture package form was sent home in homework folders.  Please send in to me any forms you filled out relating to your child's picture package.

If you have any questions for me, please feel free to reach out to the following:

Email -

Phone - 973-584-0812 x 114

Remind App - Class code is @9dk8kbk

God Bless,

Mrs Rowland 

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Wednesday September 13th

Dear Parents and Students,


Math:  Complete p. 3 #12-16.

Spelling:  Complete a choice board activity in your notebooks.  We will take our Unit 1 test on Friday 9/15. (Your words can be found in your notebooks or on the Google Classroom.)

Phonics:  Complete pages 11-14 by Friday 9/15.

English:  Complete worksheet p. 5.

Upcoming Events:

~School store will be open every Tuesday at lunch time.

~Pizza money is due by Thursday every week.  Please make sure to send it in as soon as possible.

~Picture Day will be on Friday September 15th.  The picture package form was sent home in homework folders.  Please send in to me any forms you filled out relating to your child's picture package.

If you have any questions for me, please feel free to reach out to the following:

Email -

Phone - 973-584-0812 x 114

Remind App - Class code is @9dk8kbk

God Bless,

Mrs Rowland 

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Tuesday September 12th

Dear Parents and Students,


Math:  We completed our IXL diagnostic today in class.  Spend 10 minutes exploring and working with IXL.

Spelling:  Complete a choice board activity in your notebooks.  We will take our Unit 1 test on Friday 9/15.

Phonics:  Complete pages 11-14 by Friday 9/15.

Language Arts:  Complete p. 4 #1-10 in your workbooks.

Upcoming Events:

~School store will be open every Tuesday at lunch time.

~Pizza money is due by Thursday every week.  Please make sure to send it in as soon as possible.

~Picture Day will be on Friday September 15th.  The picture package form was sent home in homework folders.  Please send in to me any forms you filled out relating to your child's picture package.

If you have any questions for me, please feel free to reach out to the following:

Email -

Phone - 973-584-0812 x 114

Remind App - Class code is @9dk8kbk

God Bless,

Mrs Rowland 

Monday, September 11, 2023

Monday September 11th

Dear Parents and Students,


Math:  Complete workbook p. 3 #1-11.

Spelling:  Write your spelling words 3 times each in your notebooks.

Phonics:  Complete pages 11-14 by Friday 9/15.

Upcoming Events:

~School store will run for the first time tomorrow.  Please bring in a few dollars if you would like to purchase a snack from the eighth grade class.

~Pizza money is due by Thursday every week.  Please make sure to send it in as soon as possible.

~Picture Day will be on Friday September 15th.  The picture package form was sent home in homework folders.  Please send in to me any forms you filled out relating to your child's picture package.

If you have any questions for me, please feel free to reach out to the following:

Email -

Phone - 973-584-0812 x 114

Remind App - Class code is @9dk8kbk

God Bless,

Mrs Rowland 

Friday, September 8, 2023

Friday September 8th

Dear Parents and Students,

~*We had a wonderful first week of school.  I am very please with the way our class has picked up on how the 4th grade classroom is run.  I am very excited for this year!  Have a wonderful weekend :) *~

Upcoming Events:

~Picture Day will be on Friday September 15th.  The picture package form was sent home in homework folders today.

If you have any questions for me, please feel free to reach out to the following:

Email -

Phone - 973-584-0812 x 114

Remind App - Class code is @9dk8kbk

I am so excited to get to know you all throughout this school year!

God Bless,

Mrs Rowland 

Thursday, September 7, 2023

Thursday September 7th

Dear Parents and Students,

Upcoming Events:

~If you did not bring in pizza money this morning, please bring your lunch tomorrow.

~Back to School night is tonight, Thursday, September 7th.  If your child is interested in becoming a band member, please attend the Musical Adventures meeting starting at 6:30 p.m.  The all school meeting will start at 7:00 in the school gym.

~Picture Day will be on Friday September 15th.  The picture package form was sent home in homework folders today.

If you have any questions for me, please feel free to reach out to the following:

Email -

Phone - 973-584-0812 x 114

Remind App - Class code is @9dk8kbk

I am so excited to get to know you all throughout this school year!

God Bless,

Mrs Rowland 

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Wednesday September 6th

Dear Parents and Students,

Upcoming Events:

~Pizza money is due by tomorrow morning.  If you do not send in your pizza money, you must bring your lunch on Friday.

~Back to School night is this Thursday, September 7th.  If your child is interested in becoming a band member, please attend the Musical Adventures meeting starting at 6:30 p.m.  The all school meeting will start at 7:00 in the school gym.

~Picture Day will be on Friday September 15th.  More information will come home in folders.

If you have any questions for me, please feel free to reach out to the following:

Email -

Phone - 973-584-0812 x 114

Remind App - Class code is @9dk8kbk

I am so excited to get to know you all throughout this school year!

God Bless,

Mrs Rowland 

Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Tuesday September 5th

Dear Parents and Students,

Upcoming Events:

~Back to School night is this Thursday, September 7th.  If your child is interested in becoming a band member, please attend the Musical Adventures meeting starting at 6:30 p.m.  The all school meeting will start at 7:00 in the school gym.

~Picture Day will be on Friday September 15th.  More information will come home in folders.

If you have any questions for me, please feel free to reach out to the following:

Email -

Phone - 973-584-0812 x 114

Remind App - Class code is @9dk8kbk

I am so excited to get to know you all throughout this school year!

God Bless,

Mrs Rowland 

Friday, September 1, 2023

Friday September 1st

Dear Parents and Students,

We had a fantastic second day of school.  We started our day off with mass, were able to get to know our classmates and teacher better, and went to our first Health class of the year.  

Chromebooks for were sent home in back packs.  Please do not try to use them this weekend.  The only thing I would like to you do this weekend is charge them.  ONLY CHARGE THEM.  My plan for Tuesday is to get every student correctly set up with their log ins.

Reminder- There will be no school on Monday in observance of Labor Day.  School will resume on Tuesday September 5th.  Aftercare is available.

If you have any questions for me, please feel free to reach out to the following:

Email -

Phone - 973-584-0812 x 114

Remind App - Class code is @9dk8kbk

I am so excited to get to know you all throughout this school year!

God Bless,

Mrs Rowland 

Friday December 20th

Dear 4th Grade Parents and Students, I would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!  I hope you have a relaxing, ...