Spelling: Unit 1 pages 12-17 DUE THURSDAY. Spelling test Friday on Unit 1.
Phonics: Pages 5-9 DUE FRIDAY
Language Arts: Reading Street Workbook page 7
*TAG Day is Friday - Theme is wear BLUE. Please send in $1 with your child if they would like to dress down. You can pay for the entire year of TAG days if you'd like. The cost for the year is $10.
*Pizza money is due Thursday.
*Books should be covered by the 20th.
*Our Ice Cream Social is this Friday! Hope to see many of your there! Bring a board game to share and play with friends!
*Please read the following from our Art Teacher, Mrs. Hopkins:
Supplies: The Art Supplies List/Bin was omitted from this year's "School Supply List". Our students will now come into Art Class and be provided all supplies! In that respect, we are asking each family to send in $10.00 (per each student in your family), so that the Art Department can maintain these supplies for personal and collaborative works. Please remit this by cash or, if by check, made out to "St. Therese School" noting "ART" in the memo field. Enclose in an envelope marked: ART PROGRAM / Ms. HOPKINS. Please remit by 09/14/18. THANK YOU!
Mrs. Joyce's Reminders - Sign up for our classroom Remind App
Have a great day!
Mrs. Joyce