Math: QUIZ tomorrow on two-digit multiplication. TEST NEXT WEDNESDAY on Chapter 4. We will be reviewing in class.
English: Voyages page 29. TEST NEXT FRIDAY, January 18th - Nouns. We will review in class.
Spelling: Unit 15 DOT TEST TOMORROW.
Phonics: Complete pages 57, 59 & 60. Due TOMORROW.
Religion: TEST NEXT THURSDAY on Chapter 5. Study Guides will go home tomorrow and we will review in class using Kahoot!
***The Catholic Schools Week Schedule is on the January Calendar which is now posted on our Friday Folder. School Website Link
*TAG DAY TOMORROW - $1 - Pajama Day! A few children owe for the last three TAG days. Please send in what is owed by tomorrow.
*Pizza Friday - If you have not already done so, please send in your child's pizza money by tomorrow.
*If your child was given a speaking part for our First Friday Mass on Feb. 1st, please have them practice reading it each night. We will also be practicing in class and over in Church once it gets closer to the date of the Mass.
Have a great day!
Thursday March 6th
Dear Parents and Students, Homework: Math: No Homework Spelling: We will take our Unit 23 test tomorrow. Phonics: Complete pages 112-1...

Dear Parents and Students, Homework: Spelling/Vocabulary: Unit 14 Vocab p. 144-149 are due Friday. We will take our Unit 14 assessment on...
Dear Parents and Students, Homework: Math: Complete p. 61 all. Spelling: Unit 15 is due on Thursday. We will take our Unit 15 test on ...
Dear Parents and Students, Homework: Math: Workbook p. 39. Practice your multiplication facts for 5-10 minutes a night. Spelling: Unit ...