Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Welcome Back! January Pizza Money ($12) DUE FRIDAY



Math: Workbook page 48, ODD numbers only.

Phonics: Complete page 55 - DUE TOMORROW

Religion: The students were given a copy of The Act of Contrition. They should practice reciting The Act of Contrition a few times each night.

Social Studies: The Wax Museum Project packet is going home with your child today. Please return it by Friday with their top three choices.


*January pizza money ($12) is due this Friday.

*All Calendar Raffle tickets and money are due THIS FRIDAY. The Raffle begins on Monday and all tickets will need to be in this Friday to be counted in the raffle drawing.

*Please make sure you check with your child to see if they are running low on any school supplies. They need to have erasable pens, pencils, highlighters, wipe off markers and red pens each day. We use this supplies on a daily basis.

*First Friday Mass is THIS Friday at 11:00 a.m. All are welcome to join us!

*TAG DAY is NEXT Friday, January 11th. The theme is pajama day!!

*Order your Catholic Schools Week t-shirt! The order form is located on the Friday Folder and the shirt can be worn for gym class as well!School Website

Monday May 6th

~*We will be taking our NWEA test tomorrow and Thursday mornings.  Please make sure you get a good night sleep and eat a good breakfast.  Al...