Math: Workbook p. 50 #1-12 all. Practice your multiplication facts for 15 minutes every night.
Spelling: Unit 8 is due tomorrow. Unit 8 test will be taken tomorrow due to Halloween.
Phonics: Complete pages 43-47 by Friday.
English: We began the writing process on our personal narratives. A list of requirements was sent home in our homework folders today. These narratives are due on Friday November 8th.
Language Arts: We will take our quiz on "The Horned Toad Prince" on Friday.
-Our Halloween parade will begin tomorrow, Thursday 10/31 at 1:30 in the afternoon. Please send students in wearing most of their costumes (all accessories can be put on right before the parade). Please do not send in any masks or weapons.
-If you will be picking up your child from the parade, please make sure to send in a note letting me know. This cuts down on any inaccuracies during bus/car rider preparation.
-We have our All Saints Day mass on Friday November 1st at 8:30 a.m. This is a holy day of obligation so it will be a parish mass as well. All are welcome to attend.
God Bless,
Mrs. Rowland
~*Spelling Bonus Word: superb*~