Math: Workbook p. 53. 15 minutes of IXL practice time is due by Tuesday. Student's received their usernames and passwords today in class. They must complete this time at home.
Spelling: Unit 10 work is due on Friday. We will take our Chapter 10 test on Friday as well.
Phonics: Complete pages 53-57 by Friday.
English: Workbook p. 24.
Language Arts: We completed our study guides for "Seeker of Knowledge" today in class. We will take our quiz on the selection on Friday.
Social Studies: We completed our study guides for Chapter 2 today, we will play Jeopardy tomorrow, and take our Chapter 2 test on Thursday.
Religion: Please bring in one or two magazines or newspapers by Wednesday 11/13.
-We are having a World Kindness Day dress down day tomorrow. Please wear your favorite cardigan. Since it is a gym day, you must wear your gym uniforms, sneakers, and a cardigan over top.
-Makerspace club will meet on Wednesday November 13th from 2:45-3:45. Please pick up in the car line at 3:45.
God Bless,
Mrs. Rowland
~*Spelling Bonus Word: awareness*~