*We will have a class Meet today at 10:00 a.m. You can join our meet at the following link.*
To join the video meeting, click this link: https://meet.google.com/aew-qjco-gdh
Otherwise, to join by phone, dial +1 470-499-3915 and enter this PIN: 547 390 929#
-Take attendance at the following link: https://forms.gle/Ri6a8nR13UDTvo3n8
~*The last week of school we are going to read the book Matilda by Roald Dahl together as a class and discuss. Before buying brand new, see if you either have a copy of this book, or try to borrow it from someone who does have it. If you would like to order it anyway, you can find it on Amazon at this link: https://www.amazon.com/Matilda-Roald-Dahl/dp/0142410373/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1589932114&sr=8-1 You must order today! We will start reading this book together on Thursday June 4th.*~
E-Learning Lessons:
- We will do a Chapter 13 math review in our Meet today. Come to class with any questions you have on anything from this chapter. Also, have a piece of paper or something to write on so you can complete the problems with me.
- This week’s Unit is Unit 33. Complete p. 206-207 today.
- Complete page 175 in cursive.
Language Arts:
- Listen to the selection “So You Want to be President” one more time before you take your quiz on Friday. It starts on p. 244 and finishes on p. 257 with “Meet the Author and the Illustrator”. https://youtu.be/M6yhBH0Tt1o
- Then complete workbook p. 98.
- Read p. 176 on Compound Subjects. This is a review of what we have learned in previous chapters.
- Complete Activity A #1-10.
- Then read p. 178 on Compound Predicates.
- Complete Activity C #1-10
- Complete workbook p. 156.
- Complete p. 180, part 1 of our Chapter 15 book review.
- Read p. A19-A23 about “How Do Flowers Make Seeds and Fruits?” You can listen along with my Educreations video here: https://www.educreations.com/lesson/view/pollination/55263171/?ref=link
- Then complete the photocopied worksheet p. 5.
- **This was postponed to Saturday** Also, the first manned launch from the United States in almost a decade is scheduled to lift off from Kennedy Space Center today at 4:33 p.m. Sign on as NASA’s virtual guests. All the necessary steps are included in this link: https://www.nasa.gov/specials/virtual-guest/index.html
Early Finishers:
Finished early? Want something fun or challenging to do? Find below a list of things you can do when you are done with our regular class/homework.
- Please check out the Art blog for more work from Mrs. Viggiano.
- Please check out the Spanish blog for more work from Senora Decker.
- Please check out the Computers blog for more work from Mrs. Hall.
- Explore the Spanish section on IXL.
- The American Museum of Natural History has an Ology site where you can explore the world of Science. Visit the following website and play around and have some fun! https://www.amnh.org/explore/ology
- If you’re interested in the world of coding, go to the following site. Free for grades K-12. https://code.org/
- Have you always wanted to be an astronaut or see how they train? Watch this virtual tour of NASA. https://youtu.be/gk0ijHIP3hw
- Work on the Energy Saver packet that is in your ELearning folder.
Have a great day and God Bless,
Mrs. Rowland