*We will have a class Meet today at 1:45 p.m. You can join our meet at the following link.*
To join the video meeting, click this link: https://meet.google.com/aew-qjco-gdh
Otherwise, to join by phone, dial +1 470-499-3915 and enter this PIN: 547 390 929#
-Take attendance at the following link:https://forms.gle/HE2wMxwQAC76G6xh8
~*The last week of school we are going to read the book Matilda by Roald Dahl together as a class and discuss. Before buying brand new, see if you either have a copy of this book, or try to borrow it from someone who does have it. If you would like to order it anyway, you can find it on Amazon at this link: https://www.amazon.com/Matilda-Roald-Dahl/dp/0142410373/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1589932114&sr=8-1 If you order now you should get this book in about a week.*~
E-Learning Lessons:
- Complete the Problem Solving Applications: Mixed Review on p. 434 #1-10.
- Then complete workbook p. 164 all.
- This week’s Unit is Unit 32. Complete p. 200-201 today.
- Complete page 170 in cursive.
Language Arts:
- Listen to “So You Want to be President?” from pages 244-255 here https://youtu.be/M6yhBH0Tt1o
- Complete workbook p. 97.
- Read page 420-421 on Principal Verb Parts.
- Watch this video introducing verb tenses. https://www.khanacademy.org/humanities/grammar/parts-of-speech-the-verb/the-tenses/v/introduction-to-verb-tense-the-parts-of-speech-grammar
- Watch this video on the present tense. https://www.khanacademy.org/humanities/grammar/parts-of-speech-the-verb/the-tenses/v/present-tense-verbs-the-parts-of-speech
- Watch this video on past tense. https://www.khanacademy.org/humanities/grammar/parts-of-speech-the-verb/the-tenses/v/the-past-tense-verbs-the-parts-of-speech
- Watch this video on future tense. https://www.khanacademy.org/humanities/grammar/parts-of-speech-the-verb/the-tenses/v/the-future-tense-verbs-the-parts-of-speech
- Complete Exercise #1 all. Tell what tense the italicized word is in for each sentence.
- Then complete workbook p. 81.
- Read p. 174-175 on the Fourth Commandment “Honor Your Father and Your Mother.”
- Complete the We Respond activity on the bottom of p. 175.
- Define the vocabulary words for Lesson 2 starting on p. A15 (sepal, pistil, stamen, and pollen).
- Make sure to use the heading “What are the Parts of a Flower?”, include your name, and highlight each vocabulary word.
- Share this Doc with me.
Early Finishers:
Finished early? Want something fun or challenging to do? Find below a list of things you can do when you are done with our regular class/homework.
- Please check out the Art blog for more work from Mrs. Viggiano.
- Please check out the Spanish blog for more work from Senora Decker.
- Please check out the Computers blog for more work from Mrs. Hall.
- Explore the Spanish section on IXL.
- The American Museum of Natural History has an Ology site where you can explore the world of Science. Visit the following website and play around and have some fun! https://www.amnh.org/explore/ology
- If you’re interested in the world of coding, go to the following site. Free for grades K-12. https://code.org/
- Have you always wanted to be an astronaut or see how they train? Watch this virtual tour of NASA. https://youtu.be/gk0ijHIP3hw
- Work on the Energy Saver packet that is in your ELearning folder.
Have a great day and God Bless,
Mrs. Rowland