Thursday, June 11, 2020

Friday June 12th

~Mr. Dunnigan would like to say a goodbye for this year and wish you all a great summer.  Please join our Meet time at 8:30 so he can say goodbye.  To join the video meeting, click this link:  Otherwise, to join by phone, dial +1 470-499-3915 and enter this PIN: 547 390 929# ~

-Take attendance at the following link:

~*The summer work you must complete over the summer is to log onto your IXL account and complete one Math and one ELA assignment a week each for 15-20 minutes.  Please print out and use the following chart to document your work:

E-Learning Lessons:



I just want to wish you all a very happy summer.  You all worked incredibly hard for the past few months while we had to remote learn.  I am so very proud of all of your accomplishments, input, and the way you were able to adapt to the change in our learning.  I am sad that I didn’t get to physically finish the school year out with you, but I am so blessed to have been your teacher for the months we were in school and for the few months we learned with each other over the computer.  Please take the time this summer to rest, relax, and have fun!!!!  You all deserve it 100%

Love Always,

Mrs. Rowland

Monday January 6th

Dear Parents and Students, Homework: Math:    Complete p. 61 all. Spelling:   Unit 15 is due on Thursday.  We will take our Unit 15 test on ...