Math: Please practice your multiplication facts for at least 15 minutes each evening. I sent home a list of all multiplication facts that students can practice with.
Spelling: Review Unit 6 is due on Friday. There is no test for any Review unit we complete.
Phonics: Workbook p. 23-25 are due Friday.
Science: Please sign and return the cookie erosion permission slip.
~Regular school uniforms should be worn from now on. Full uniforms should be worn on Monday, Tuesday, and Friday while gym uniforms are worn on Wednesday and Thursday.
~There will be no school tomorrow, Friday October 9th, the faculty has a professional development day. There will also be no school on Monday October 12th in observance of Columbus Day. School will resume on Tuesday October 13th.
~Scholastic Orders are due on Friday October 30th. You can pay with a check or online using our class code JDD2N.
God Bless,
Mrs. Rowland