Monday, November 30, 2020

Monday November 30th


Math:   Workbook p. 53.  

Please practice your multiplication facts for at least 15 minutes each evening.  I sent home a list of all multiplication facts that students can practice with.

Spelling:  Unit 13 work is due Thursday.  Unit 13 test will be taken on Friday.

Phonics:  Workbook p. 54-57 are due by Friday.

Language Arts:  Pet Journal Write are due on Friday.

Social Studies:  Chapter 2 book review is due on Wednesday.  Complete pages 48-49 "Vocabulary" #1-9, "People and Places" #1-4 and 7, "Facts and Main Ideas" #1,2,4, and 5.

Upcoming Events:

~Please be prepared for all types of weather.  Hats, scarves, gloves, and warm coats should be brought or worn to school so students can take mask breaks and go outside for recess.

~ Remember your pizza money for Friday.

~Scholastic Book orders are due on Friday December 11th.  This way all orders will be in before Christmas break.

God Bless,
Mrs. Rowland

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Wednesday November 25th

 ~*I hope you all have a Happy Thanksgiving!  I am so thankful to have you all in my class.  I am thankful that we are able to learn full time in the classroom.  I am thankful for this wonderful St. Therese School and community.  I hope you all have a safe, healthy, and restful holiday.  Enjoy!*~

God Bless,

Mrs Rowland

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Tuesday November 24th


Math:   Complete the Chapter 4 Post Test.  We will take our Chapter 4 test tomorrow.

Please practice your multiplication facts for at least 15 minutes each evening.  I sent home a list of all multiplication facts that students can practice with.

Spelling:  Review Unit 12 is due by tomorrow.

Phonics:  Workbook p. 50-53 are due by tomorrow.

Upcoming Events:

~Please be prepared for all types of weather.  Hats, scarves, gloves, and warm coats should be brought or worn to school so students can take mask breaks and go outside for recess.

~Dismissal will begin promptly at 11:30 all week.  Aftercare is offered today, but there is no aftercare tomorrow.

God Bless,
Mrs. Rowland

Monday, November 23, 2020

Monday November 23rd


Math:   Complete the multiplication worksheet in your homework folder.  We will review all week and take our Chapter 4 test on Wednesday.  

Please practice your multiplication facts for at least 15 minutes each evening.  I sent home a list of all multiplication facts that students can practice with.

Spelling:  Review Unit 12 is due by Wednesday.

Phonics:  Workbook p. 50-53 are due by Wednesday.

Upcoming Events:

~Please be prepared for all types of weather.  Hats, scarves, gloves, and warm coats should be brought or worn to school so students can take mask breaks and go outside for recess.

~Dismissal will begin promptly at 11:30 all week, Monday 11/23-Wednesday 11/25.  Aftercare is offered both today and tomorrow, but there is no aftercare on Wednesday.

God Bless,
Mrs. Rowland

Friday, November 20, 2020

Friday November 20th



Math:   We will review all week next week and take our Chapter 4 test on Wednesday.  

Please practice your multiplication facts for at least 15 minutes each evening.  I sent home a list of all multiplication facts that students can practice with.

Spelling:  Review Unit 12 is due by Wednesday.

Phonics:  Workbook p. 50-53 are due by Wednesday.

Religion:  Chapter 3 test will be taken on Monday.  Please study the study guides we completed in class.

Science:  Energy Show and Tell!!!  Please bring in something that shows mechanical, chemical, or electrical energy.  Please be able to explain which energy your item shows and why.  Due in class by Monday 11/23.

Upcoming Events:

~Please be prepared for all types of weather.  Hats, scarves, gloves, and warm coats should be brought or worn to school so students can take mask breaks and go outside for recess.

~Scholastic Orders are due by Monday 11/23.  

~Next week, Monday 11/23-Wednesday 11/25, are all half days of school.  Dismissal will begin promptly at 11:30 a.m.

God Bless,
Mrs. Rowland

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Thursday November 19th


Math:   Workbook p. 51.  

Please practice your multiplication facts for at least 15 minutes each evening.  I sent home a list of all multiplication facts that students can practice with.

Spelling:  Unit 11 test will be taken tomorrow.

Phonics:  Workbook p. 46-49 are due by tomorrow.

English:  Workbook p. 138.

Religion:  Chapter 3 test will be taken on Monday.  Please study the study guides we completed in class yesterday.

Science:  Energy Show and Tell!!!  Please bring in something that shows mechanical, chemical, or electrical energy.  Please be able to explain which energy your item shows and why.  Due in class by Monday 11/23.

Upcoming Events:

~Please be prepared for all types of weather.  Hats, scarves, gloves, and warm coats should be brought or worn to school so students can take mask breaks and go outside for recess.

~ Remember your pizza money for Friday.

~Picture retakes will be taken on Friday 11/20.  Please return your old picture packet to take a new picture.  Any new student who didn't get to take their first picture will take theirs at this time.

~Scholastic Orders are due by Monday 11/23.  

~Next week, Monday 11/23-Wednesday 11/25, are all half days of school.  Dismissal will begin promptly at 11:30 a.m.

God Bless,
Mrs. Rowland

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Wednesday November 18th


Math:   Workbook p. 50 evens.  

Please practice your multiplication facts for at least 15 minutes each evening.  I sent home a list of all multiplication facts that students can practice with.

Spelling:  Unit 11 work is due tomorrow.  Unit 11 test will be taken on Friday.

Phonics:  Workbook p. 46-49 are due by Friday.

English:  Workbook p. 26.

Religion:  Chapter 3 test will be taken on Monday.  Please study the study guides we completed in class today.

Science:  Energy Show and Tell!!!  Please bring in something that shows mechanical, chemical, or electrical energy.  Please be able to explain which energy your item shows and why.  Due in class by Monday 11/23.

Upcoming Events:

~Please be prepared for all types of weather.  Hats, scarves, gloves, and warm coats should be brought or worn to school so students can take mask breaks and go outside for recess.

~ Remember your pizza money for Friday.

~Picture retakes will be taken on Friday 11/20.  Please return your old picture packet to take a new picture.  Any new student who didn't get to take their first picture will take theirs at this time.

~Scholastic Orders are due by Monday 11/23.  

God Bless,
Mrs. Rowland

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Tuesday November 17th



Math:   Workbook p. 50 odds.  

Please practice your multiplication facts for at least 15 minutes each evening.  I sent home a list of all multiplication facts that students can practice with.

Spelling:  Unit 11 work is due Thursday.  Unit 11 test will be taken on Friday.

Phonics:  Workbook p. 46-49 are due by Friday.

English:  Workbook p. 24.

Religion:  Complete p. 52 and 54 if you did not complete them in class today.

Science:  Energy Show and Tell!!!  Please bring in something that shows mechanical, chemical, or electrical energy.  Please be able to explain which energy your item shows and why.  Due in class by Monday 11/23.

Upcoming Events:

~Please be prepared for all types of weather.  Hats, scarves, gloves, and warm coats should be brought or worn to school so students can take mask breaks and go outside for recess.

~ Remember your pizza money for Friday.

~Picture retakes will be taken on Friday 11/20.  Please return your old picture packet to take a new picture.  Any new student who didn't get to take their first picture will take theirs at this time.

~Scholastic Orders are due by Monday 11/23.  

God Bless,
Mrs. Rowland

Monday, November 16, 2020

Monday November 16th


Math:   Workbook p. 49 odds.  

Please practice your multiplication facts for at least 15 minutes each evening.  I sent home a list of all multiplication facts that students can practice with.

Spelling:  Unit 11 work is due Thursday.  Unit 11 test will be taken on Friday.

Phonics:  Workbook p. 46-49 are due by Friday.

Language Arts:  Finish your "Because of Winn Dixie" definitions.  If you bought a Winn Dixie book, please have it for class time tomorrow.

Upcoming Events:

~Please be prepared for all types of weather.  Hats, scarves, gloves, and warm coats should be brought or worn to school so students can take mask breaks and go outside for recess.

~ Remember your pizza money for Friday.

~Picture retakes will be taken on Friday 11/20.  Please return your old picture packet to take a new picture.  Any new student who didn't get to take their first picture will take theirs at this time.

God Bless,
Mrs. Rowland

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Wednesday November 11th


~*The 1st marking period ends tomorrow, Thursday 11/12. Please check Rediker for any outstanding work that you owe me.  Have it completed by Thursday.*~


Math:   Workbook p. 49 evens.  

Please practice your multiplication facts for at least 15 minutes each evening.  I sent home a list of all multiplication facts that students can practice with.

Spelling:  Unit 10 work is due tomorrow.  You will also take your Unit 10 test tomorrow.

Phonics:  Workbook p. 41, 43-45 are due by tomorrow.

Language Arts:  We will take our quiz on the selection "So You Want to be President?" tomorrow.  Complete p. 95 tonight for homework.

*In the second marking period we will be reading "Because of Winn Dixie" as a class.  If you would like to purchase your own book to have, please preorder today so you have it on time.  I have copies for every student, but I know some students like the feeling of having their own book.*

Upcoming Events:

~Please be prepared for all types of weather.  Hats, scarves, gloves, and warm coats should be brought or worn to school so students can take mask breaks and go outside for recess.

~ We have a tag day on Thursday November 12th.  We collectively as a class will wear RAINBOW!!!  Please dress down and bring in your dollar to show your support for the eighth grade class.

~There will be no school on Friday November 13th in observance of Veteran's Day.  There is no pizza for lunch this week.

God Bless,
Mrs. Rowland

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Tuesday November 10th

 ~*The 1st marking period ends on Thursday 11/12. Please check Rediker for any outstanding work that you owe me.  Have it completed by Thursday.*~


Math:   Workbook p. 48 #1-21 odds.  

Please practice your multiplication facts for at least 15 minutes each evening.  I sent home a list of all multiplication facts that students can practice with.

Spelling:  Unit 10 work is due on Thursday.  You will also take your Unit 10 test on Thursday as well.

Phonics:  Workbook p. 41, 43-45 are due by Thursday.

English:  Workbook p. 23.

Personal Narratives are due by tomorrow, Wednesday November 11th.

Language Arts:  We will take our quiz on the selection "So You Want to be President?" on Thursday.  We completed our study guides yesterday in class to study this week.

*In the second marking period we will be reading "Because of Winn Dixie" as a class.  If you would like to purchase your own book to have, please preorder today so you have it on time.  I have copies for every student, but I know some students like the feeling of having their own book.*

Upcoming Events:

~Please be prepared for all types of weather.  Hats, scarves, gloves, and warm coats should be brought or worn to school so students can take mask breaks and go outside for recess.

~ We have a tag day on Thursday November 12th.  We collectively as a class will wear RAINBOW!!!  Please dress down and bring in your dollar to show your support for the eighth grade class.

~There will be no school on Friday November 13th in observance of Veteran's Day.  There is no pizza for lunch this week.

God Bless,
Mrs. Rowland

Monday, November 9, 2020

Monday November 9th


~*The 1st marking period ends on Thursday 11/12. Please check Rediker for any outstanding work that you owe me.  Have it completed by Thursday.*~


Math:   Workbook p. 48 #2-22 even.  

Please practice your multiplication facts for at least 15 minutes each evening.  I sent home a list of all multiplication facts that students can practice with.

Spelling:  Unit 10 work is due on Thursday.  You will also take your Unit 10 test on Thursday as well.

Phonics:  Workbook p. 41, 43-45 are due by Thursday.

English:  Personal Narratives are due by Wednesday November 11th.

Language Arts:  We will take our quiz on the selection "So You Want to be President?" on Thursday.  We completed our study guides today in class to study this week.

Upcoming Events:

~Please be prepared for all types of weather.  Hats, scarves, gloves, and warm coats should be brought or worn to school so students can take mask breaks and go outside for recess.

~ We have a tag day on Thursday November 12th.  We collectively as a class will wear the same color (more to come on which color tomorrow).  Please dress down and bring in your dollar to show your support for the eighth grade class.

~There will be no school on Friday November 13th in observance of Veteran's Day.  There is no pizza for lunch this week.

God Bless,
Mrs. Rowland

Friday, November 6, 2020

Friday November 6th

~*The 1st marking period ends on Thursday 11/12. Please check Rediker for any outstanding work that you owe me.  Have it completed by Thursday.*~


Please practice your multiplication facts for at least 15 minutes each evening.  I sent home a list of all multiplication facts that students can practice with.

Spelling:  Unit 10 work is due on Thursday.  You will also take your Unit 10 test on Thursday as well.

Phonics:  Workbook p. 41, 43-45 are due by Thursday.

English:  Personal Narratives are due by Wednesday November 11th.

Upcoming Events:

~Please be prepared for all types of weather.  Hats, scarves, gloves, and warm coats should be brought or worn to school so students can take mask breaks and go outside for recess.

~There will be no school on Friday November 13th in observance of Veteran's Day.

God Bless,
Mrs. Rowland

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Thursday November 5th


Math:   Multiplication worksheet.  
Please practice your multiplication facts for at least 15 minutes each evening.  I sent home a list of all multiplication facts that students can practice with.

Spelling:  Unit 9 test is tomorrow.

Phonics:  Workbook p. 37-40 are due by tomorrow.

English:  Workbook p. 22.  If you didn't complete your Personal Narrative draft, finish it tonight.

Social Studies:  Regions of New Jersey Projects are due by Friday.

Upcoming Events:

~Winter uniforms should be worn starting Monday.  Please make sure you bring in something warm to wear in/out of the classroom.  Be prepared for all occasions.

~Please be prepared for all types of weather.  Hats, scarves, gloves, and warm coats should be brought or worn to school so students can take mask breaks and go outside for recess.

~There will be no school on Friday November 13th in observance of Veteran's Day.

God Bless,
Mrs. Rowland

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Wednesday November 4th

~*Sorry this is later than usual, I was at an all day virtual workshop and I just finished up for the day.  See all of your smiling faces tomorrow!!*~


Math:   Workbook p. 47  
Please practice your multiplication facts for at least 15 minutes each evening.  I sent home a list of all multiplication facts that students can practice with.

Spelling:  Unit 9 is due tomorrow.  Unit 9 test is on Friday.

Phonics:  Workbook p. 37-40 are due by Friday.

English:  Complete workbook p. 21 on Nouns.

Religion:  Complete the Liturgical Calendar/Ordinary Times worksheet by tomorrow.

Social Studies:  Regions of New Jersey Projects are due by Friday.

Upcoming Events:

~Winter uniforms should be worn starting Monday.  Please make sure you bring in something warm to wear in/out of the classroom.  Be prepared for all occasions.

~Please be prepared for all types of weather.  Hats, scarves, gloves, and warm coats should be brought or worn to school so students can take mask breaks and go outside for recess.

~There will be no school on Friday November 13th in observance of Veteran's Day.

God Bless,
Mrs. Rowland

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Tuesday November 3rd


Math:   Workbook p. 46 #1-19 odd and complete the bottom.  
Please practice your multiplication facts for at least 15 minutes each evening.  I sent home a list of all multiplication facts that students can practice with.

Spelling:  Unit 9 is due on Thursday.  Unit 9 test is on Friday.

Phonics:  Workbook p. 37-40 are due by Friday.

Religion:  Finish the Liturgical Year/Ordinary Time worksheet we started in class.

Upcoming Events:

~Winter uniforms should be worn starting Monday.  Please make sure you bring in something warm to wear in/out of the classroom.  Be prepared for all occasions.

~Please be prepared for all types of weather.  Hats, scarves, gloves, and warm coats should be brought or worn to school so students can take mask breaks and go outside for recess.

~There will be no school on Friday November 13th in observance of Veteran's Day.

~Please make sure you are signed up for Parentsquare.  This is where you can sign up for our parent teacher conferences.  Please make sure you sign up for a time as soon as possible.  If the provided times do not work for you, please reach out to me and we can work something out.

God Bless,
Mrs. Rowland

Monday, November 2, 2020

Monday November 2nd


Math:   Workbook p. 46 #2-20 even.  
Please practice your multiplication facts for at least 15 minutes each evening.  I sent home a list of all multiplication facts that students can practice with.

Spelling:  Unit 9 is due on Thursday.  Unit 9 test is on Friday.

Phonics:  Workbook p. 37-40 are due by Friday.

English:  Complete the Pretest in your homework folders.  We will take our test on the 'Sentences' chapter tomorrow.  You can play the "Sink or Sail' game to study for your test at the following link:

Language Arts:  Finish the sentences you started in class today.  Then complete p. 94 #1-10 in you packet that is in your homework folder.

Upcoming Events:

~Winter uniforms should be worn starting Monday.  Please make sure you bring in something warm to wear in/out of the classroom.  Be prepared for all occasions.

~Please be prepared for all types of weather.  Hats, scarves, gloves, and warm coats should be brought or worn to school so students can take mask breaks and go outside for recess.

~There will be no school on Friday November 13th in observance of Veteran's Day.

~Please make sure you are signed up for Parentsquare.  This is where you can sign up for our parent teacher conferences.  Please make sure you sign up for a time as soon as possible.  If the provided times do not work for you, please reach out to me and we can work something out.

God Bless,
Mrs. Rowland

Friday December 20th

Dear 4th Grade Parents and Students, I would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!  I hope you have a relaxing, ...