Thursday, November 5, 2020

Thursday November 5th


Math:   Multiplication worksheet.  
Please practice your multiplication facts for at least 15 minutes each evening.  I sent home a list of all multiplication facts that students can practice with.

Spelling:  Unit 9 test is tomorrow.

Phonics:  Workbook p. 37-40 are due by tomorrow.

English:  Workbook p. 22.  If you didn't complete your Personal Narrative draft, finish it tonight.

Social Studies:  Regions of New Jersey Projects are due by Friday.

Upcoming Events:

~Winter uniforms should be worn starting Monday.  Please make sure you bring in something warm to wear in/out of the classroom.  Be prepared for all occasions.

~Please be prepared for all types of weather.  Hats, scarves, gloves, and warm coats should be brought or worn to school so students can take mask breaks and go outside for recess.

~There will be no school on Friday November 13th in observance of Veteran's Day.

God Bless,
Mrs. Rowland

Thursday March 6th

Dear Parents and Students, Homework: Math:   No Homework Spelling:   We will take our Unit 23 test tomorrow. Phonics:   Complete pages 112-1...