Math: Workbook p. 60 #1-10. Please follow the division family steps to solve each problem.
Please practice your multiplication facts for at least 15 minutes each evening.
Spelling: Your Unit 15 is due on Thursday. Unit 15 test will be taken on Friday.
Phonics: Workbook p. 65-68 are due by Friday.
Phonics: Workbook p. 65-68 are due by Friday.
English: Research a person you would like to write your Formal Letter to. Find their address that we can send our letter. This is due by Friday 12/18.
Science: We completed our study guides today in class. We will take our test on Force, Motion, and Electricity on Wednesday. Please study your study guides.
~Friday December 18th is our eighth grade tag day. The theme is ugly Christmas sweaters. Please bring in a dollar and dress down to support the eighth grade class.
~ Remember your pizza money for Friday.
God Bless,
Mrs. Rowland