Math: Workbook p. 58.
Please practice your multiplication facts for at least 15 minutes each evening. I sent home a list of all multiplication facts that students can practice with.
Spelling: Unit 14 work is due tomorrow. Your Unit 14 test is on Friday.
Phonics: Workbook p. 59, 60, 63, and 64 are due by Friday.
English: Workbook p. 29. Research a person you would like to write your Formal Letter to.
Language Arts: Finish the character studies on Opal and the Preacher. These are due on Friday.
~We will have a special tag day on Friday 12/11. This tag day is to raise money for our sister school in Kenya. All donations will be sent to them so they can celebrate the Christmas season. Please try to donate what you can to help.
~ Remember your pizza money for Friday.
~Scholastic Book orders are due on Friday December 11th. This way all orders will be in before Christmas break.
God Bless,
Mrs. Rowland