Please log on at 8:00 a.m. for morning prayers with Mr. Dunnigan. The Google Meet code is ‘stsfacultymeeting’.
Good Afternoon! Here is a list of the things we covered today in class:
Math: p. 188-189 practicing division with four digit dividends.
Language Arts: We read and discussed Chapter 15 in our Winn Dixie books.
English: We reviewed for our Noun test.
Religion: Took our Chapter 4 test.
Science: We read p. B94-B97.
Please find below the homework that should be completed this afternoon. Any worksheets should be held onto and will return back to school in two weeks.
Math: Workbook p. 65.
Spelling: Unit 17 work is due on Thursday. Unit 17 test is on Friday.
Phonics: Pages 74-77 are due on Friday.
English: Complete the Chapter 2 Pretest. We will take our test on Nouns tomorrow. Play “Sink or Sail” to review for your test tomorrow. Here is the link:
Science: p. 93 in your packet.
Gym/Health: Our health class will be from 1:15-1:45 on Wednesdays. The code to join is ‘stsgym’.
Spanish: Class was held from 12:30-1:00 Monday 1/11.
Art: Check Mrs. Viggiano’s blog for the assignment. Email her your final project by taking a picture of it and forwarding it to