Dear Parents and Students,
~*In appreciation for the students of our classroom, there will be no homework tonight. Enjoy your special Catholic Schools Week day!*~
Spelling: Unit 20 will be due on Thursday. We will take our Unit 20 test on Friday.
Phonics: Pages 86, 89-91 are due by Friday.
Language Arts: Winter Journal Writes are due on Tuesday 2/8.
Upcoming Events:
~Tomorrow continues Catholic Schools Week. Please bring in food items to donate to Roxbury Social Services. Thursday is our Red, White, and Blue tag day to benefit the Wounded Warrior Project.
~If you would like to opt your child out of the Virtus Teaching Touching Safety lesson that will be given by me, please sign and return the sheet in your child's homework folders. Please have these forms in by Friday 2/4.
If you have any questions for me, please feel free to reach out to the following:
Email -
Phone - 973-584-0812 x 114
Remind App - Class code is bhfb74
God Bless,
Mrs Rowland