Friday, June 3, 2022

Friday June 3rd

Dear Parents and Students,


Math:  We will take our Chapter 9 test on Thursday June 9th.

Phonics:  Pages 179- 183 are due by Thursday.

Social Studies:  County project final presentations are due on Monday June 6th.

Upcoming Events: 

~Tuesday June 7th is our last tag day for the year.  The theme is Hawaiian.  Make sure you dress down and bring in your dollar.

~Our Waterloo Village trip is on Friday June 10th.  If you are chaperoning, you will meet us there with your child.  Any child riding with us on the bus must get to school by the bell.  Please make sure to wear your gym uniforms and bring your lunch.  

If you have any questions for me, please feel free to reach out to the following:

Email -

Phone - 973-584-0812 x 114

Remind App - Class code is bhfb74

God Bless,

Mrs Rowland

Thursday March 6th

Dear Parents and Students, Homework: Math:   No Homework Spelling:   We will take our Unit 23 test tomorrow. Phonics:   Complete pages 112-1...