Dear Parents and Students,
~*During the season of Advent, we will be participating in our Advent Angel activity with our PreK 4 buddies. It can be a coloring, note, card, or small toy given to your buddies. Please do not send in any food. We will be delivering our gifts to our buddies every Monday and Friday.*~
Math: Continue to practice your multiplication facts.
Spelling: Unit 15 test will be taken tomorrow.
Phonics: p. 55-57 are due by tomorrow.
ELA: Finish the "All About Florida" worksheet we worked on in class. You may use your Chromebooks.
Social Studies: We completed our Chapter 2 study guides yesterday. We played Chapter 2 Kahoot today in class. Due to the weather, I am going to push the Chapter 2 test to Tuesday 12/20.
Upcoming Events:
~Please be aware that our concert was postponed to Tuesday December 20th. All band students should be at the school by 6:30 on Thursday 12/15 for our concert. All other students need to be in our classroom by 6:45. The concert will start promptly at 7:00 pm.
~Pizza money is due every Thursday morning.
~School store will be every Tuesday during lunch.
Please make sure you check the blog every day for daily homework and important information.
If you have any questions for me, please feel free to reach out to the following:
Email -
Phone - 973-584-0812 x 114
Remind App - Class code is @a3k9g9
Have a great weekend!
God Bless,
Mrs Rowland