~*If you would like to opt your child out of the Teaching Touching Safety lesson that is given in class, please have your opt out forms signed and returned by tomorrow, Tuesday 2/14.*~
Dear Parents and Students,
Math: Complete p. 66 all.
Spelling: Unit 22 is due by Thursday. We will take our test on Friday..
Phonics: Complete p. 81-83 are due by Friday.
Language Arts: Finish the sentences we started in class. Then complete p. 64 #1-10.
Valentine's Day: We will be handing out our Valentine's to our class on Tuesday 2/14. Please make sure you bring in enough for the entire class. We have 25 students total. No food or candy may be passed out. Other ideas are pencils, pens, tattoos, stickers, small toys, erasers, etc.
Upcoming Events:
~Our next TAG day is on Tuesday 2/14. Bring in your dollar and dress in Valentine's Day colors.
~Please sign and return the Valentine's Day class party permission slips as soon as possible.
~School store is every Tuesday.
~Pizza Money is due every Thursday morning.
~There will be no school on Monday February 20th in observance of President's Day.
~Field trip permission slips and chaperone interest forms were sent home in homework folders today. Please get these signed and returned as soon as possible!
Please make sure you check the blog every day for daily homework and important information.
If you have any questions for me, please feel free to reach out to the following:
Email - grade4@stthereseroxbury.org
Phone - 973-584-0812 x 114
Remind App - Class code is @a3k9g9
Have a great weekend!
God Bless,
Mrs Rowland