Monday, November 20, 2023

Monday November 20th

~*We will have a board game free time tomorrow before dismissal.  Please bring in a board game to play and share with classmates.*~

Dear Parents and Students,


Phonics:  Complete pages 54-56 due by Wednesday.

Social Studies:  Our Chapter 2 Book Review and Extra Credit are due tomorrow.  We began this work on Thursday and worked for about 30 minutes on it today in class.

Upcoming Events: 

~Parent conferences are Monday and Tuesday.  These days are half days of school with aftercare available.  Wednesday is also a half day of school with no aftercare.  

~Please bring your school store money in on Tuesdays.

~Pizza money is due by Thursday every week.  Please make sure to send it in as soon as possible.

If you have any questions for me, please feel free to reach out to the following:

Email -

Phone - 973-584-0812 x 114

Remind App - Class code is @9dk8kbk

God Bless,

Mrs Rowland 

Thursday March 6th

Dear Parents and Students, Homework: Math:   No Homework Spelling:   We will take our Unit 23 test tomorrow. Phonics:   Complete pages 112-1...