Thursday, November 9, 2023

Thursday November 8th

~*A Christmas Brunch permission slip was sent home in Homework folders today.  Please fill this out and return it as soon as possible.  The last day to return it is Friday November 17th.*~

Dear Parents and Students,


Math:  Worksheet, only the odds.  We will take a short quiz on two and three digit by one digit multiplication tomorrow. 

Vocabulary/Spelling:  Unit 5 work (p. 50-55) are due tomorrow.

This week is a Vocabulary week.  We will take our Unit 5 Vocabulary quiz tomorrow.  You can find the Unit 5 words, game, and practice test on the Google Classroom.

Phonics:  Complete pages 46-49 due by tomorrow.

Religion: Pumpkin Grams are due to give out tomorrow.

Upcoming Events: 

~Class pictures and picture make ups are going to be taken on Friday 11/17.  Please make sure to wear your winter uniform.  If you are taking makeups, please send in any paperwork I may need for your child.

~Please bring your school store money in on Tuesdays.

~Pizza money is due by Thursday every week.  Please make sure to send it in as soon as possible.

~There are still tickets available for Designer Bag Bingo.  This is a wonderful fundraiser for our school!

~If you are interested in signing up your child for our very own soccer clinic, please fill out the following form:

If you have any questions about this clinic, please reach out to Mr. Arlen @ (201)655-1491.

If you have any questions for me, please feel free to reach out to the following:

Email -

Phone - 973-584-0812 x 114

Remind App - Class code is @9dk8kbk

God Bless,

Mrs Rowland 

Monday January 6th

Dear Parents and Students, Homework: Math:    Complete p. 61 all. Spelling:   Unit 15 is due on Thursday.  We will take our Unit 15 test on ...