Dear Parents and Students,
~*There is no official nightly homework tonight. We complete our tasks in class. But Vocab and Phonics are still due tomorrow. I gave the entire class 45 minutes this afternoon to finish these items if they were not done with them already.*~
Vocabulary/Spelling: p. 72-77.
This week is a Vocabulary week. We will take our Unit 7 Vocabulary quiz tomorrow. You can find the Unit 7 words, game, and practice test on the Google Classroom.
Phonics: Complete pages 68-71 due by tomorrow.
Religion: We completed our Chapter 4 study guides in class. We will be taking this test on Friday.
We will be bringing over small gifts, notes, or cards to our PreK buddies on Mondays and Fridays each week. Please see the Advent Angels paper that is in your child's homework folder for more information.
Other: Book reports are due by Friday December 15th. If you are finished, you can hand them in to me early.
Upcoming Events:
~Our concert is this evening. Please arrive by 6:45 for a 7:00 start. All students will sit with their family.
~Friday 12/15 is our PJ day. Please wear your pajamas and bring in a donation for the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP). This is a separate fundraiser from the 8th grade class fundraiser.
~Please bring your school store money in on Tuesdays.
If you have any questions for me, please feel free to reach out to the following:
Email -
Phone - 973-584-0812 x 114
Remind App - Class code is @9dk8kbk
God Bless,
Mrs Rowland