Math: Workbook p. 55 evens. Show your work.
Phonics: Complete pages 75-77 due by Friday.
English: Workbook p. 140.
Start searching for a local person to write our formal letters to. Find their sending address and have in written down on a piece of paper by Wednesday 1/10.
Upcoming Events:
~First Friday mass will be held tomorrow starting at 8:30. All are welcome to attend.
~Please bring your school store money in on Tuesdays.
~Pizza money is due by Thursday every week. Please make sure to send it in as soon as possible.
~There will be no school on Monday January 15th in observance of Martin Luther King Jr Day.
If you have any questions for me, please feel free to reach out to the following:
Email - grade4@stthereseroxbury.org
Phone - 973-584-0812 x 114
Remind App - Class code is @9dk8kbk
God Bless,
Mrs Rowland