Dear Parents and Students,
Spelling/Vocabulary: This week is a Spelling week for Unit 11. 3x Each is due tomorrow. 3 choice board assignments will be due each morning this week. You will take your Unit 11 Spelling assessment Friday. *Check the Google Classroom for word lists, games, and review.*
Phonics: Complete pages 114-117 due by Friday.
Social Studies: Due to the snow day, Chapter 4 book reviews are due by Monday 3/4. Extra credit is also due 3/4. The class was given time again today to complete this.
Upcoming Events:
~Please bring your school store money in on Tuesdays.
~Pizza money is due by Thursday every week. Please make sure to send it in as soon as possible.
~Friday March 8th is a special dress down day. Please wear blue and send in a donation. This will help Father Jun's family, who tragically lost their belongings and house in a fire.
If you have any questions for me, please feel free to reach out to the following:
Email -
Phone - 973-584-0812 x 114
Remind App - Class code is @9dk8kbk
God Bless,
Mrs Rowland