Dear Parents and Students,
Spelling: There will be NO Spelling next week.
Phonics: Complete pages 68-71 by Thursday.
English: We will be reviewing for our Noun test all next week. Noun test will be taken on Thursday.
Science: We will take our Science test on Wednesday. We completed our study guides yesterday and will be reviewing next week.
Upcoming Events:
~Bring your money in on Tuesdays for the school store during lunch.
~Our Christmas concert will be held on Tuesday 12/17. There will be two show times, one at 10:00 and another at 1:00. Students can wear their Christmas outfits but keep in mind that they will be in school all day and have recess outside if weather permits.
~If you are attending the 1:00 Christmas concert show and you would like to take your child when the concert is finished, please send in a note letting me know. Students are not allowed to leave until the entire show is complete.
If you have any questions for me, please feel free to reach out to the following:
Email -
Phone - 973-584-0812 x 114
Remind App - Class code is @93k4k7
God Bless,
Mrs Rowland