Friday, February 28, 2025

Friday February 28th

Dear Parents and Students,


Spelling:  Unit 23 work is due on Thursday.  We will take our Unit 23 test Friday.

Phonics:  Complete pages 112-115 by Friday.

Religion:  Parts for the mass were given out today.  Please practice what you are going to read during mass on Friday 3/7.

Upcoming Events:

~Please sign, return, and remit your payment for our class field trip to Medieval Times by Friday 2/28.

~We will attend the Ash Wednesday mass on Wednesday 3/5.  Mass begins at 8:45.  All are welcome to attend.

~The fourth grade class will be hosting the first Friday mass on Friday 3/7 starting at 8:45.  All are welcome to attend that mass as well.

If you have any questions for me, please feel free to reach out to the following:

Email -

Phone - 973-584-0812 x 114

Remind App - Class code is @93k4k7

God Bless,

Mrs Rowland

Friday February 28th

Dear Parents and Students, Homework: Spelling:   Unit 23 work is due on Thursday.  We will take our Unit 23 test Friday. Phonics:   Complete...